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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Master Bath Redo....Things I Love

"Design must seduce, shape and perhaps more importantly, evoke an emotional response"
                                                                                                                      April Greiman

This is a client that travels to Thailand frequently with her work.  My first meeting with her she made it very clear she wanted this bath to fill like she was at a Thailand spa.  As you can see from the "before" photos I had my hands full.  Since I have never been to Thailand, I found the challenge exciting.

First I came up with tearing out the glass block window, shower and this horrible cady-whacked sunken tub.


I think this is as far from a Thailand spa as you can get.

Having another tub with jets was also important.

Again my hands were full.

After deciding to take out the window and virtually the entire bath wall, I thought what the hell lets take out the cabinets..... let's just gut the whole room!  So that is what I did.  Luckily I had a client that was willing to do whatever I wanted and a contractor that I had worked with for years that was up for anything I threw at him.  First I decided that the tub needed to be raised and rectangle with very square edges.  


After removing window, filling in concrete where sunken tub was and removing glass block shower. They built a tongue and groove red oak wood frame for my tub.

Built in hamper/cabinet and a sliding wood door.

Tongue and groove wall, new cabinets and recessed lighting. Carrara marble tops. The lights hanging are temporary.

Tub inset, marble run horizontally on entire wall and floor.   Frosted seamless shower glass installed. The plug and rack are for a piece of art that is going to be lit from behind.  I got sick before I could take final photos.

Asian hardware, Asian designed centerpiece to cabinets that slide out and has racks on both sides. Client picked out the shell mirrors, I would have preferred gold.

You can get the idea.  Like I said, I got the Shit Ass Disease before I could go back and take final photos.  But this is one of my favorite re-do's ever.  There are Asian wall sconces, and of course the accessories aren't done.  I promise I wouldn't put a bottle of soap on the counter and the vacuum hose on the floor and say, "OK were good to go"!   The client was thrilled and that is really all that matters in the scheme of things.  Made me want to go to Thailand.

Sue "CiCi" Cook

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mini Vans...things I ?

"Thank you for informing me you have a stick figure family of 6, your minivan had me under the impression you were wild and single".

"This here is a minivan Clark, don't try to keep her she's going home with me". OK I changed it from an RV to a minivan, but still one of my favorite lines from Christmas Vacation.  Don't be jealous, don't be a hater you can buy one as well.  First there is this big fat handicap sticker on the side that says "Please park at least 8 feet from this vehicle ".  Are you kidding me!  You're lucky to get 8"! Then there is another handicap sticker on the back that says, this van was handicap converted by so and so. So if the big ass handicap license plate doesn't warn you the stickers will. I'm cool and driving well riding in a fucking minivan (here on known as a fucking minivan) shouldn't  that alone tell you to back off!

Here's how she works, the hydraulics kick in and one side of the van lowers,  just like Cheech and Chong (only one side lowers). All but has the dingle balls, fur dash, and curtains. I think I am going to have the song Low Riders automatically come on so when she starts you'll hear "All my friends love the low rider, the low rider is a little higher, do do do do do do do do do do do do do. (now that song will be going through my head all day). So the side door slowly comes open, the auto ramp comes sliding out like a transformer, wait here I come rolling down the ramp ...with my do rag, sleeveless vest and a pile of smoke coming from the fucking minivan.  Told you I was cool.

Wait where is the smoke????

As much as I hate to admit it, it is going to make my life so much easier.  I went to see Cinderella with Channa, Justin, and the babies and it was heaven to roll in and roll out without having to wait for someone to put the wheelchair in the back come around and help you transfer to the seat, oh wait I guess it's transfer first out of chair put chair in back of car. Must have been the smoke coming from the fucking minivan. Whatever it was a pain in the ass! But for now I have found a little freedom that won't wear me out by just getting in and out of the car.  Still Cool. 

So now I get to go to the decorative center and wallow in wallpaper and fabrics for the first time in a year. I'll go proudly in my fucking minivan...well....I will go. Maybe I can carry a magic wand to knock people out of my way like the designing peasants they are.  Swish move bitch,  swish swish I'm coming through so get the hell out of my way. I kinda like this magic wand idea! Well technically if I had a magic wand no one would ever be sick and I would be married to David Beckham but I would still use it to get people the hell out of my way.

I know my last post was a pissy and a little 'wine-y' (pun totally intended), sometimes I'm in that mood, sometimes I'm in a smart ass mood like today.  I personally prefer the smart ass as mood that is what I really like in other people. So if your a smart ass kudos to you I'm sure we could be friends. If not loosen up a little and go buy a fucking minivan.

Here's a little heads up (shocker): I can't spell worth a damn, I don't always know where to put comma's, blah blah blah,  I may put whether instead of weather or vice versa.  I missed those important things to know in school because I was too busy drawing on the test rather than taking it. So for all of you perspicacious people out there I apologize but what you get is me, flaws and all.

Fucking minivan on.......
Sue "CiCi" Cook

Friday, March 20, 2015

Shit Ass Disease 2...Things I Hate

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have"

Let's just be honest, Shit Ass Disease sucks and sucks BIG time.  The crazy thing is that I am not in half as bad of shape as a lot of people with the Shit Ass Disease.  None the less I can feel sorry for myself a little every now and then, can't I?  Hell yes I can and I will damn it all to hell.  Being told you have a fatal disease isn't anything anyone wants to hear EVER.  At the beginning I just didn't want to know anything but little by little the realities come whether you want to know or not.  I am having to remodel my bathroom so I can take a shower.  I am a bath person but can't get in and out of it so forget that, it's not going to happen.  I am totally wheelchair bound now so we have to buy a wheelchair accessible fucking mini van!  Yes a mini van.  How am I supposed to look cool in a mini van??? Then there is the "transfer" from wheelchair to chair or wheelchair to bed or wheelchair to anything. I leaned forward to get something off my night stand and almost face planted.  That in hind site would have been hilarious watching Mike try to get me out of that one!

I know things are going to get worse, much worse and there isn't a fucking thing I can do about it or for the other people that suffer from the same disease.  I watch people like Chris Rosati who has the Shit Ass Disease, who handed out doughnuts to schools, children hospitals and cancer patients because it made him feel good. There are a lot of people with the Shit Ass Disease that do good everyday. Geez I really am a shit head!

Then there are the people that criticized the ice bucket challenge.  Let me tell you where your money went and is still going.  18.5 million of the 21.7 million goes to research.  In 75 years there is one pill that extends your life 2-3 months. Whoopie shit and it cost $1,400 per month! Research is needed and needed badly. Getting in on a trial is nearly impossible.  There is a trial which inserting spinal cord-derived neural stem cells into 15 people, 14 tolerated the injections. This trial started in 2010.  Don't you think we should be a little further along????  I understand FDA not rushing it through but 5 years?  If I want to try an injection that might work why the fuck not! You can go to change.org and sign a petition for the FDA Accelerated Approval of Genervon's GM604 for use in ALS the Shit Ass Disease.  You can also write/email your U.S Senators to take action. I know some of you have signed and it is deeply appreciated.

[Share your personal story or just state that you are contacting the Senator on behalf of the ALS Community].

The 2012 FDASI Act gave the FDA authority to deviate from rigid rules and demonstrate flexibility in providing the terminally ill access to new treatment options. For the past month, thousands of people have been urging the FDA to grant Accelerated Approval with post-marketing requirements for a new ALS treatment, Genervon’s GM604. This request is based on:
1) Demonstrated Safety
2) Evidence of Efficacy
3) GM604 meets the criteria for the Accelerated Approval Program (AAP):
a. Surrogate Endpoints: Genervon's Phase 2A trials showed improvements in the treated group in both clinical measurements and multiple biomarker measurements.
b. Urgent and Unmet Need: No new treatment for ALS has been approved since Rilutek in 1995, which extends life expectancy by a few months with no improvement to quality of life. Another multi-year clinical trial for GM604 is a death sentence for more than 500,000 people.

Our FDA is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Senate. Therefore, it is ultimately our elected officials’ responsibility to ensure that the right of life and the personal liberties of terminally ill patients are protected. This includes the right of these patients to access potentially life saving treatments.

On my behalf, please contact the FDA today and tell them that you support our self-advocacy and understand the urgency in getting potentially life-saving treatments to patients with ALS. Also, please ensure that Genervon’s GM604 is being given full and fair consideration for the Accelerated Approval Program.

Cornyn, John - (R - TX)
(202) 224-2934

Cruz, Ted - (R - TX)
(202) 224-5922

If you donated as part of the 21.7 million dollars raised in the Ice Bucket Challenge, thank you, you are my hero. If you walked in the ALS walk, thank you, you are my hero. Let me tell you what else your money is going for.  It has gone to loaning me and countless other's a $20,000 power wheelchair.  You heard me that's what power wheelchairs cost and more. They service it without a word.  Mine had 4 miles on it when they so gracious brought it to me.  They have giving me grants to purchase things I don't have a choice to buy.  There was one patient that couldn't leave his house because he couldn't afford a ramp.  After the Ice Bucket Challenge the ALS Association was able to build him a ramp.  I read on one website where someone said, "OK great, now can we find a cure for a real disease".  I bet if they or someone they loved were diagnosed with the Shit Ass Disease they would know what a "real" disease is.  I wouldn't even  wish it even on that dumb ass moron.

Sue-per Heroes!

So am I blessed that I can still talk, move my hands and eat?  Yes I am. Am I frustrated for the Shit Ass Disease community? Hell yes I am. So if you find it in your heart take the time and drop your Senator an email or sign the petition. 

OK, so I go from wallpaper to the Ranch to a fucking soap box.  I have the Shit Ass Disease, I am allowed. Frustrated, angry and tired yes I am but this is what I am fighting for. I promise I will go back to the fun stuff for now on...well maybe not forever.  

Pissy mood on..........
Sue "CiCi" Cook

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rough Creek Ranch...Things I love

"When the ranch is at peace, no other life is more perfect"
                                                             Charles Goodnight

Windmill on property.

Our dear friends Tim and Darla Rogers have the most beautiful ranch and are the most gracious hosts you could ever ask for. From the moment you pull in the drive and see this beautiful home on this majestic land your heart slows down a pace and peace takes over your whole body. The home is covered in rock that was found on their land, a portico covered by dark beams and of course a hand forged chandelier.

The Rogers.

 Front view of house.

Double wood and iron doors lead into a large open floor plan with wood slated cathedral ceilings. Decor that is as fitting and beautiful as you would expect. Your first view the lake and never ending land. Then you move on to a large dining table, open kitchen with open shelves to show off Darla's gorgeous dishes, wine glasses with etched cowgirls, and a copper farm sink.  There is a breakfast bar that is faced with re-claimed wood in a perfect circular design.  Of course Darla serves all meals on the long wood and hand forged dining table with quilts and or table cloths draped just so in different patterns across the table.  Dishes laid out with antique napkins, hammered silverware, chunky Mexican glasses, and then there is the food.  That's a whole post on it's own.

Darla and Romeo getting breakfast ready.

From living room looking into dining room and the view.

Looks like Laura is making a drink?

Kitchen.  Great place to cook and fun to wash rocks in! 

The living room has a huge rounded leather sofa with two comfy chairs surrounding a rock fireplace where a dinosaur skull sits that was found on their land.  A stone and hand forged coffee table and an antique console with a silver vase filled with sheddings (who knew when a deer gets to a certain age they lose their horns called sheds).  Then there are the deer heads hung high watching over the main living area and a wild boar head stuck over in a corner looking pissed off as all wild boar do. The wood ceiling with beams just belongs like everything else does.

 Why is Laura the only one in the kitchen....ever???

 Rock, wood mantel, and flagstone fireplace.

 Looking towards front double doors.

Two master bedrooms, and of course I always get the second one, long friendships pay off!  Let's talk about "my" room (it really is their son Hunter's room but when he's not there...), a big tall wood headboard with old round end tables styled with antique books and silver heart box, layers and layers of bedding, leather and linen euro pillows, woven woods with textured window treatments.  The bath is terracotta tiles with dog prints where the dogs ran through the tiles when they were being made in Mexico, a "rug" made out of accent Mexican tiles, large jet tub, copper sink set in an antique cabinet. An armoire with memorabilia from her children when they were babies, little cowboy boots, little work boots, antique cars, books then friends and family photos.  Darla doesn't miss a trick. If all of this isn't enough behind the woven woods and draperies sits two french doors that go out onto a balcony that over looks a lake, a beautiful pool, and land as far as you can see.

Hunter's (really mine) room.

View of deck outside my room.

Just off my room is another bedroom with a tall leather headboard, perfect size end table and Bella Notte bedding with tons of pillows. An armoire styled to perfection.  Just off that room is the bunk room.  2 sets of Colorado wood bunk beds decorated with mounds of bedding and pillows.  Up the stairs there is the girls loft (her daughters Taylor and Lola) that is precious beyond belief.

Guest bedroom.

Bunk bed room.

Lola and Taylor's room.

The stairs leading down to the game-room are open wood stairs with a hand forged hand rail. A wood bar made of re-claimed wood with a granite top. There is another living area with sofa and chairs just off the bar. A pool table/ping pong table that Darla claims I cheat at.  Then there is the shuffle board game with the ranch logo in the middle.  All of this leads out double french doors to the pool, fire-pit, grill. and of course the view of the lake and land.

There is so much to do, from riding four wheelers all over this beautiful land, to shooting, swimming in the pool or the lake.  Wave runners, fishing, hunting, or one of my favorite is just sitting in the circle of huge rocking chairs, drinking wine, and watching the hot pink sunset.

Here's that beautiful sunset that you drink wine to.

Dry stack rock's on columns. 

Beer, lake and friends. So much fun!!

Laura, Amy, Darla and me, July 4, 2013.

Colorado River that runs through their property.

Wildflowers that grow all over the land.

Apparently he found a lot more humor in whatever this was about than I did.

We just spent spring break at the Ranch and brought Channa, Justin (although I didn't take one photo of them) and the babies for the first time.  They were in heaven! From riding four wheelers, fishing and even collecting then washing rocks.  The only problem was Tim.  Yes, apparently Tim was fine from a distance but not OK to ride on four wheelers with?  He was fine to shoot play guns at and stay close to on the four wheeler but other than that he was way too scary!  Now if you met Tim you would know how funny that is.  He is one of the nicest guys on the planet.

 Fishing, Truett only liked the reeling in part.

Truett taking a peaceful moment, a very quick peaceful moment.

Washing rocks.  You would have thought they were at Disneyworld!

What a way to bring in a sunset!  Right up until Channa had to jump in to save Truett from drowning fully dressed, in leather boots and all.

So this is what ranch life is like.  I really didn't understand it and it sounded like a lot of work to me but I got out there and fell in love.  I think the work for Tim is the part he loves.  Darla loves the entertaining and the peacefulness of it.  I know I am blessed to have such good friends with such a great place, but really blessed to have the friends and family.

Ranch on..........
Sue "CiCi" Cook

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wallpaper 2. Things I love

"A designer is but the product of her imagination"
                                                               Sue Cook

I have been through it all with wallpaper.  1980's heavy texture must be mudded over, walls sanded, walls prepared, and then wallpaper hung.  Then 1990's wallpaper became taboo so scrape the wallpaper off inch by inch, use steamers, water bottles, and scrapers. Well wallpaper is back big time. So light or heavy texture must be mudded over,  walls sanded, walls prepared, then wallpaper hung. Ugh makes me dizzy thinking about it.   However wallpaper, when it doesn't have ducks, hearts, and border over hearts in pink and blue it can really be a elegant, exquisite, and a jaw dropping way to give a room just the touch it needs.  

Whether it's inspired or hand painted wallpapers from de Gournay from the top of the budget to the historic wallpapers of Bradbury & Bradbury (also pricey), Adelphi, to Grow House Grow, Nama Rococo, Flavor Paper, Jill Malek,  Twenty 2, Pip Studio and even Etsy has vintage wallpaper, it goes on and on.  It is like when woven woods were in, then out, and now back in.  Ugh who can keep up with it?  Well I guess I do.  Grass cloth with a little metallic...gorgeous!  Here are a few of the wallpaper and a little Anaglypta (embossed wallpaper) thrown in.


White furniture, bold wallpaper. Pip Studio, great website.

Love this floral. It's like a huge secret garden. I would put a long harvest table with similar chairs done in a different fabric. Maybe a black and white striped chair like the one in my Black and White post.

Still love a Damask, especially when it's got a little quirkiness like this.

 Bold solids and bright floral. Love the mid century Bertoia Bird chair in hot pink!


Looks like an old house and the home owner just kicked off her matching heels as she walked in the door. Hopefully on an ocean somewhere.

I really like the charcoal and white paper with blue base boards and white floors.


I don't know about doing this on every wall unless this is a hotel??

What makes this room is texture, texture, texture.

Very Shabby Chic.

One wall in entry, metallic grass cloth.


What a fabulous vignette.

I thought this was cool in a Bohemian kind of way.

This looks like a giant piece of art behind the sofa.


This make me happy.

This can be a less expensive way to do a wallpaper.  Hard to pull off but this looks good.

This wallpaper makes me crazy happy.  Added with all the dishes from Anthropologie. Maybe in a pantry or butlers pantry?

  Looks like he is ready to carry on a conversation.


Pretty in this room.

I'm not sure this is wallpaper or stencil. I like the chunkiness of it.


   Gold leaf and Plum Blossom.

Metallic gold over lavender, with black and white rug just works.


Anaglypta is an embossed wallpaper that is to be painted.  This painted in a cream paint would look like a cable knit sweater on the walls. Love!

From cable knit to contemporary (although this looks like vaginas)  if your thinking about wallpaper Anaglypta  can be an option as well.  Although now that I called this vagina paper, I doubt anyone is really going to rush to the store to get this particular one. 


"That's what I called you for CiCi, Bye."
                                      Emerson Jones

I received a phone call this morning from my 5 year old granddaughter.  She had really been thinking about her 3 year old brothers room design when they move.  So after a lot of thought, she has come up with a design she wanted to go over with me.  She had two designs and wanted to let me know what she had come up with.  So here it goes...

Option 1
Spaceships.  Spaceships on the walls with stripped bedding.  Planets, stars and spaceships everywhere.  The walls are to be blue.

Option 2.
Batman on one wall, Spiderman on another wall, Superman on another wall and Superheroes on the pillows again with striped bedding. Superhero posters on the door, with blue curtains.

"That's what I called you for CiCi, Bye".  That was our conversation.  I mean she is 5 years old and already designing.  Cracked me up.  Of course I told her it sounded gorgeous and since it won't be in my house I think her mother should do either option 1 or 2.  She also told her mother "When we get our new house, CiCi and I will be doing the decorating not you mom" again she is 5.

So there it is.  
Design on....

Sue "CiCi" Cook