After such a deep post yesterday I thought I would go to a subject that I love...Truett and Emerson.
I love my grandbabies. They are entertaining, funny and give you such unconditional love. They both spent the night recently (and of course they have to sleep in my bed) Truett ended up sleeping across my body, be still my heart. Forgot to mention when they spend the night its kick Tata out and we get the bed. Emerson thinks it's hilarious to draw a PICture and write no Tata allowed. Then Emerson stayed the night last night and I was trying to get her to go to sleep, so I was fake asleep and she snuggles up to me, hugs my arm, kisses me and tells me she love me! My heart turned to total mush:)
Now lets talk about Truett when he is awake he is faster than a speeding bullet, that kid can get into anything before you can blink and eye, He still goes into my wine fridge on a daily basis, remember, I asked him to get out of it and looked me square in the face and said, "Hello gorgeous wine". I try drinking it as fast as I can but luckily for me there is always some there. I have a friend that thinks I might run out and is secretly supplying me. I love my friends. He got super quiet the other day and his mom found him sitting at the top of the stairs with a unopened coors pretending to drink it. Is there a theme here?? When you tell him he has to be 21 to drink he says, "I'm 21"! For the record I don't drink beer. Truett... the boy will not keep clothes on, period. He doesn't care who is around, who can see him, by God the boy is going to be naked. He got in the fucking minivan
the other day no pants and said, "Ohhhh Yeaaaaaa"? Then his mom, sister and Truett were playing ball and he stops looks at his mom and points and yells, "Your cra cra", then points at his sister and says the same thing. But I mean come on is that a gorgeous angel face or what
OK on to Emerson. She is the sweetest Sybil on the planet. One minute she is hugging you the next she gets that scrunched up face, lip out to the moon and arms folded. Maybe because she doesn't like the restaurant we have chosen. The other day her mom and I wanted Mexican food (duh) and she didn't so she whipped out the face and folded arms. I told her I was going to order my lunch with that face and talk like an angry man. She finally started laughing. She loves to squeeze my arm and tell me I am "squishy" gee thanks:-) She is so smart and talented. Martha Stewart has nothing on her.
again just look at that angel face!
again just look at that angel face!
I hope each one of you get the blessing of grand babies at some point. They are a love I wish for everyone. They grow so fast. One minute your holding a newborn and before you blink an eye they are graduating preschool or playing soccer. Only this time you know how fast time goes.
So that is my story about these two little people that I love more than life. They light up my life and warm my heart.
Babies on..............
Sue "CiCi" Cook
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