WINE improves with age I improve with wine
I guess all things can be difficult, but TSAD takes everything to a new level. I Have 3/4 of one arm left and everything else is paralyzed. I have had to learn to do everything with my left hand and I'm right handed. But there is a silver lining to everything... I can now drive my wheel chair while carrying a glass of wine! Your welcome fellow wheelchair users. You are also welcome for those of you who may want to try it not believing it can be done.
Now being the honest person that I am, here is the newest outright embarrassing thing to be added to my long list of embarrassing things. It's called padded panties. Well that's not what it's really called but that is my term and I'm sticking with it. That's all I have to say on that subject.
While I'm on the subject of embarrassing things, a few weeks ago Channa shaved my legs for me. Friday night I wore shorts to watch Emerson cheer-leading. I look down with the glowing sun only to be horrified by the inch long hairs on my skinny atrophied legs. Emerson came over to me and said "Wow, CiCi you have some long hair on your legs". Thanks for yelling so the whole place turned around and looked Angel Face!
That is my embarrassing facts for the week.
Embarrassing on...
Sue "CiCi" Cook
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