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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Birthdays..... Things I love

I really did use to hate birthdays, that is until I got the Shit Ass Disease.  Now I have discovered they are a privilege!  Who knew? I mean I never looked at it but getting older. This  birthday I looked at it as surviving and enjoying another year. To top it off, this was a great birthday.  My Mom and her boyfriend came in.  Now how many people do you know get to spend their birthdays with two great friends that also have the same birthday?  Me, me, I do, I do!  I got tons of cards, tons of flowers and tons of gifts. Wonder why I didn't like birthdays?  It took me 62 years to learn birthdays are God given joy not just getting older.

 Noreen, Me and Amy.  Crowns courtesy of another great friend Darla

Darla put this whole thing together.  There were 12 people, seated around a round table in a private room, with a great waiter, great wine and great friends and of course great family. Birthday cake and gifts oh my!  We are three lucky girls!

Me and my beautiful Channa! Looks like I grew a white stash?

Me, Noreen, Darla and Amy.  Amy started her cocktails a little before the rest of us!

Me. Amy (still the biggest smile), Noreen, Channa, my Mom and Darla.

What's a girl to do when the waiter pours you 2 glasses of wine?

I'm not sure if this is pole dancing or pointing out the handicap (fucking minivan) parking spot???

Any way it was a great birthday but more than that I got to spend it with people I love, people that constantly make me laugh, and are ALWLAYS there for me.  How lucky can a girl get?  So if I have no birthdays left or ten, that's really not what it is about. It's the people. The people you love and the people that love you.  Really that is what really matters.  So I wish each and everyone of you the love you deserve on your birthday and everyday.

Party on......
Sue "CiCi" Cook

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