Sue Cook
Do you see a theme going on here? I came across some PICtures on Houzz and Pinterest that inspired me to write about home bars. Honestly most of them were hideous but a few were really cool. First of all if you have a home bar you're not in college anymore and you don't need to display your entire stock with everything but empty beer cans stacked in a pyramid. There is reason these photos look good and none of the above is included. By the way since I have the Shit Ass Disease that is exactly what my bar looks like (minus the empty beer cans stacked). My husband has everything on display, The only thing that is missing is the cinder blocks and plywood and if he didn't have to think about it he would do that as well. Of course it's not organized just thrown up there like the frat boys are going to walk in any minute. I kid you not, he has a bottle of tequila from the 1970's with the worm still in the bottle. Who Hoo, tequila at the Cook's, oh wait it's been in hiding for 40 years. At least the glasses are clean but still shoved on the counter. So I stroll by on my chair, pick up a wine glass (oh he thinks of me in this boyhood madness) swing around to the fridge and get my glass of wine. I cringe every time I look at it so my speed on the chair is up to about 45 miles per hour as I whip by it. So take a look at a few of the bars/bar carts I found and enjoy. I will keep working on my miles per hour to overlook mine.
Love the blue and white vase, it's organized and just pretty. Now the sofa and art????
Now this is where I belong every day at sunset and well just anytime.
This is how a bar should look. I don't know if it is the gold cart or the pink, but it has my initial so pretty sure it should be what mine should look like. Only problem is two empty wine spots.
So it looks like a restaurant but I would take it There needs to be wine listings on the black board wall and not so much dessert. Duh it should be cheese, fruit, and Cheetos.
Love the orange walls with black trim, art and patterned wood floors.
I really like the gold grass cloth more than anything else.
This just calls out to my friend Darla.
Mirrors and geometric.
Eclectic and then some.
So now you can see why I am working on getting my speed up on my drive by wine glass pick up. The tequila is behind the first wine glass. I was not kidding.
Wow I didn't even know just how bad I have it until I took that PICture. Lord what has my life come to??? Well maybe I can figure out how to make the wine glass swoop with a blind fold. However you don't have to. Take a few minutes and look at these cool bars and work on your own.
I will work on my blindfold swoop.
Sue "CiCi" Cook
These bars are awesome (especially the armoire)!! I would love to do that with my existing one that holds my tv and I hate. And display that tequila for heavens sake!