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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Moms...Things I love

"If someone creates a Nobel Prize for Unsung Hero my nominee will be the divorced single mother"
                                                                                                                          E. Mavis Hetherington

I have the best Mom. She is going to be 86 years old this year, and can run circles around most people I know.  She just came back from a 42 day cruise with her boyfriend.  He is 4 days younger and calls her his cougar.  You have no idea how her life now makes my heart happy, and there is no one that deserves it more.  They are like two 16 year olds in love. 

Her life hasn't always been so charming.  To start off let's talk about Gene, the father to my sister, brother and I.  More or less he was a sperm donor that hung around long enough to have 3 kids.  He told my Mom he had embezzled money from his company and was leaving the country (nice don't stand up for your own %#*&).  He had my Mom load up all 3 kids and move to her Mother's miles away. To make a long story short, his "country/embezzlement" consisted of a new family and job around the corner.  But Gene was a real  M(&^#&  F#%$#* (you're welcome Mom), So here my Mom was with 3 kids, hadn't worked a day in her life, no child support and living with her parents and 3 kids. Did that stop my Mom?  Not at all.  She found a job at Denny's as a waitress and worked 6 days a week to support her family. Yes, she raised three kids on tips.  We never went without a single thing. I am so grateful for her choice to tough it out and be both Mom and Dad.  Not only that, she did the best job at being both.

High School PICture.

My Mom had the classic 9 mile high hair, then she would put her Denny's hat on top of that! Oh there are PICtures to prove it, and with all that hair and hat she was still beautiful.  After we were grown she eventually went to work at Albertson's.  So she went from one hard job to another and succeeded at it as well. She worked her butt (you're welcome Mom) off until she retired.

1969.  She some how pulled that hair off?

She isn't a big drinker but one night we went to a Mexican food restaurant and for some reason she decided to drink margaritas, yes plural margaritas. So we got home and she was not feeling well No S#@*) . She laid down on the couch and fake spit for hours.  Nothing coming out just pucht, pucht and my sister and I were running around the house singing Margaritaville.  She found no humor in our song choice. Or one time we were in the mall and I kept calling  her and she kept ignoring me, so I yelled at the top of lungs, "Hey lady with the red wig on".  Again no humor.

My Mom has survived it all and still is. But she is finally having the time of her life.  Her and Bob go dancing until midnight.  Last year they went on a 30 day cruise to Italy, Greece, and Spain.  They just got back from a 42 day cruise to Bora Bora,  New Zealand, and on to Australia. Now they are talking about going to Asia. Couldn't be happier for her. She is strong, beautiful, dedicated, and I love her.

Bob and Mom after getting off the boat for 42 days.  I would be asking for an ambulance.

"God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old:
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He molded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave her to me".
Pat O' Reilly

I know that is cheesy as HECK (again you're welcome Mom) but it really does sum up how I feel about my Mom.

Cheese on,

Sue "CiCi" Cook


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for your mom. Too bad she went the hard route and worked on her feet. She could have been in the movies. The beehive photo reminded me of Barbra Streisand, who would not have won a beauty contest against your mom.
